Logo Parc Naturel Régional Normandie Maine & Geoparc
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Mont des Avaloirs RNR

Located in Mayenne, in the communes of Boulay-les-Ifs and Pré-en-Pail-Saint-Samson, the Mont des Avaloirs Regional Nature Reserve was created in September 2020. The management plan (2020-2026), drawn up and led by the Park & Geopark, highlights the site's key conservation issues and sets out a programme of actions to be taken. Around the highest point of the Armorican Massif, the site comprises 4 landscape units (totalling 321 hectares):

réserve avaloirs- Le marais du Fourneau (10 hectares)
- Les prés des Loignières (20 hectares)
- Le bois du Clairet et la vallée du ruisseau du Buisson de Malheur (33 hectares)
- Le Souprat et le Mont des Avaloirs (258 hectares)




Maintaining the balance and appropriate management of the moors, peat bogs, scree slopes, meadows and forests are the main objectives behind the creation of the reserve.

The reserve is home to a wealth of heritage due to its unique altitude and the climatic conditions it faces. The area is recognised as one of the Park & Geopark's main centres of biodiversity.



Rossolis à feuilles rondesThe richness of the site is reflected in its exceptional diversity, with no fewer than 3,000 different species identified in the Reserve, including more than 150 remarkable species and 100 protected species.

The flora of the reserve currently numbers 354 species, including 14 species of regional priority (ZNIEFF determinants), and 8 protected or regulated species.

The fauna currently numbers 1,362 species, including 78 regional priority species (ZNIEFF determinants), 90 protected species and 33 species of European interest.



Specific protection measures

Like all protected areas, the Mont des Avaloirs RNR has its own regulations. The conditions of protection prohibit most types of extraction. Leisure activities, access and certain economic activities are regulated to ensure that the site remains peaceful and welcoming for wildlife.


A listed site

The area covered by the reserve is part of two major functional complexes, which have led to the creation of 6 Natural Areas of Ecological, Fauna and Flora Interest: Massif de Multonne, Bocage à Pique-Prune de la Forêt de Monnaie, Mont Souprat, Tourbière, Vallée du buisson de Malheur and Marais du Fourneau.

It is also affected by 2 Natura 2000 sites covering almost 96% of its perimeter: "Corniche de Pail et forêt de Multonne" and "Bocage de la forêt de Monnaie à Javron-les-Chapelles".

It is also covered by two sensitive natural areas in the Mayenne region: the ENS Forêt de Multonne and the ENS Bocage de la Forêt de Monnaie à Javron-les-Chapelles.